


Salmon Creek Arts is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization offering land-based arts programs at Salmon Creek Farm, a sanctuary of precious riparian and coast redwood habitat on Central Pomo land, established as a counterculture commune in 1971, now a sort of queered commune-farm-homestead-school hybrid.

We cultivate an expanding community of artists*, offering time to slow down, space to take a step back, the chance to live close to the land, and to participate in its cycles. We offer modest home-spun spaces to create and share in a communal free-range wild woodsy environment. In fall 2024 we inaugurate our offerings at Salmon Creek Farm, where we will eventually take over operations and ownership.

Salmon Creek Farm is located on 33 acres of second and third growth redwoods two miles from California’s Mendocino Coast. Old logging roads and foot trails criss-cross south facing slopes from sunny meadows, gardens, orchards, communal outdoor kitchen, and dance deck on top, to eight furnished hand-crafted commune cabins each nestled in their own nook of the woods, across a ravine that bisects the land to abandoned off-grid cabins, and finally down to Big Salmon Creek in the valley. It is an especially good spot to feel your small place in the big cycle of life on earth.

Many Salmon Creek Arts programs have been informally offered by SCF since 2014, including writing retreats, wood-fire ceramics workshops, carpentry and food gardening skill-shares, and free BIPOC artists retreats. In fall 2024 we host our first season of Salmon Creek Artists*.

* we use the term ‘artist’ expansively, encompassing those working with craft, movement, food, gardens, image, performance, sound, word, etc.